Page Rank

Should bloggers run after domain authority and page rank

Newbie bloggers are seen asking this question in number of forums and groups. To answer bluntly, having a high page rank and domain authority without the supportive content is like cheating. What are the situations where these two metrics matter. Where does content figure in all this. What can be a typical strategy. Understanding Domain…


What is a website

Website is a collection of HTML pages linked with each other. It is used for showing information. These days it serves a lot of other purposes like online shopping or railway reservations. It is also used as an online identity of a business or a brand. How is a website made The pages of a…

start blog writing

Places to skip while visiting…a masterstroke in Blogging strategies

Bloggers have to keep coming up with innovative ideas to remain in contention with search results. One recent example of such out of the box thinking deserves a mention. Blogger in question has written an article which lists out places to skip while traveling to a particular destination. Here is a link to the article…